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Survey Reveals that Majority of US Drivers Act Aggressively

We’ve all seen someone lose their cool when something aggravating has happened on the road—we may even have been that someone who has lost their cool. Road rage might be even more common than you think, however. According to a recent study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, nearly 80% of drivers nationwide have driven aggressively at least once in the past year.

The study included survey results from over 2,700 respondents. Participants were polled on their aggressive driving habits in the form of questions regarding whether and how often they displayed behavior such as tailgating (defined as following someone closely to get them to speed up or move), honking out of anger rather than as a warning, yelling or gesturing rudely at other drivers, getting out of their car to confront another driver, cutting another car off on purpose, and hitting or bumping another driver deliberately. The survey revealed that 78% of all drivers had committed at least one of these aggressive behaviors over the past year, with 12% admitting to cutting someone off on purpose, 51% admitting to tailgating, 4% admitting to getting out of their car to confront another driver, and 3% admitting to hitting another car deliberately.

In order to avoid conflict with other drivers, AAA advocates that drivers adhere to three ideals while on the road: Don’t offend, be tolerant, and don’t respond to others’ anger. A spokesperson from AAA, Rolayne Fairclough, stated, “Inconsiderate driving, bad traffic, and the daily stresses of life can transform minor frustrations into dangerous road rage.” Fairbaugh noted, “[i]t’s completely normal for drivers to experience anger behind the wheel, but we must not let our emotions lead to destructive choices. Don’t risk escalating a frustrating situation because you never know what the other driver might do. Maintain a cool head, and focus on reaching your destination safely.”

If you have been hurt in a car accident with an aggressive or reckless driver in Alabama, learn if you may be eligible to seek money damages in a personal injury lawsuit by contacting the personal injury attorneys at the Carter Law Firm for a consultation, in Birmingham at 205-202-4050, and in Mobile at 251-433-6500.
